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What Happens When Your Plantar Fasciitis Isn't Treated?

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Plantar fasciitis is a condition of the foot where the tendon that runs from the toe to the heel thickens. With movement, the tendon can stretch and feel better, but each time you are at rest the tendon thickens again and you feel pain when you begin to take those first steps after resting. Plantar fasciitis needs to be treated to prevent other issues from happening to your feet. If you have plantar fasciitis, treatment for your foot may include using heat and ice, over-the-counter pain medication, a change in your footwear, and inserts in your shoes for added support. Read below for what may happen if your plantar fasciitis goes untreated.

You Could End Up With Heel Spurs

If you don't have your plantar fasciitis treated by a professional podiatrist, you could end up with heel spurs on top of your plantar fasciitis. Heel spurs can be very painful to have to deal with. It feels like a stabbing pain in your heels with every single step. The stabbing pain can turn into a burning pain in your heel, even after you've rested your feet. Heel spurs are caused by a calcium buildup in the heel, which is where the stabbing pain comes in.

You Could End Up With a Ruptured Plantar

The plantar is the tendon in the foot, and if you don't treat the inflammation, it could eventually rupture in the foot. The rupture feels like an actual rupture, or you may feel something popping in your foot. This can lead to extreme pain, swelling, bruising, and an inability to put weight on the foot at all. If you have a ruptured plantar, you will need to have surgery to repair the tendon. Having had the plantar fasciitis treated right away would have prevented this from happening. 

If you have plantar fasciitis, be sure to have it diagnosed and treated properly by a podiatrist. If you are experiencing pain in your foot with every step you take, especially with the first steps you take after having been rested, you need to make an appointment with the podiatrist to have your foot issue diagnosed and treated. Prevent these other issues that could occur to your feet by having this primary issue treated. Prolonging treatment could result in further pain in your feet, and worsening issues that may result in the need for surgery and even more recovery time. To address your pain, contact plantar fasciitis treatment services. 
